Build Your Perfect Musical Theater Audition Book

Don't waste hundreds of dollars and weeks of time trying to find the 'perfect' songs for your audition book - get instant access to our curated list of songs perfect for your range so you can feel confident in the audition room and book more jobs!

Here's what people say about our rep books

"Love the rep book! Saved me so much time in finding great material for my audition book, thanks!"

Samantha R.

"The song selections here are great, and I found several to add to my book - can't wait to audition with these."

Brian H.

"This made it so easy to find audition repertoire I love."

Sofia C.

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

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Bass Rep BookCurated song list to instantly upgrade your audition book.$19.97

What You're Getting

Instant access to 360 curated song list for your vocal range

Build an entire audition book just from this list

Lifetime access - as the list grows and changes, you'll always have access to the latest version

Save money from having to hire a vocal coach to find great songs for you

NOTE: No sheet music is included with purchase.

  • Total payment
  • 1xBass Rep Book$19.97

All prices in USD